The Dip Blog by Seth Godin より

Seth Godin は私が尊敬するマーケター(?)のひとり。

Seven Reasons You Might Fail to Become the Best in the World

* You run out of time (and quit).
* You run out of money (and quit).
* You get scared (and quit).
* You’re not serious about it (and quit).
* You lose interest or enthusiasm or settle for being mediocre (and quit).
* You focus on the short term instead of the long (and quit when the short term gets too hard).
* You pick the wrong thing at which to be the best in the world (because you don’t have the talent).

By “you,” I mean your team, your company, or just plain you, the jobseeker, employee, or entrepreneur. The important thing to remember about these seven things is that you can plan for them. You can know before you start whether or not you have the resources and the will to get to the end. Most of the time, if you fail to become the best in the world, it’s either because you planned wrong or because you gave up before you reached your goal.

Even worse than quitting in the first six cases: not quitting. Settling. Sticking with it but not succeeding.

Is it possible that you’re just not good enough? That you (or your team) just don’t have enough talent to be the best in the world? Sure, it’s possible. In fact, if your chosen area is the cello, or speed skating, then I might even say it’s probable. But in just about every relevant area I can think of, no, it’s not likely. You are good enough. The question is, will you take the shortcut you need to get really good at this?



しかし、Cul-de-Sac(いくら辛抱してもまったく報われない状況) か Dip (我慢をして乗り越えれば Scarcity を伴いproductivity/happiness が著しく上昇する状況) かの見極めは難しい。
